Article V Convention of States - Risks and Benefits
The Latest Updates
Fostering a Movement to Challenge and Rethink DEI Initiatives
Investing In National Security
Voting Integrity is the Backbone to our Democracy
Sending Foreign Aid to Ukraine
Controlling Inflation
Creating a Society that Values Life at All Stages
Crafting an Agriculture Bill for the United States
Building a Strong and Sustainable Agriculture Sector
Dolomite: Use and Extraction
Balancing Federal Debt
"Lawfare" and the Integrity of our Legal System
The right to bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution and is crucial for protecting our freedoms
Addressing Corruption in the U.S. Department of Justice
Believe in the Power of Your Voice - My View On Term Limits ✨️
Recommit to Public Service in the USA
A Political Campaign Infused with HOPE and Grounded in Principles can bring POSITIVE change - United We Stand, Divided We Fall 🇺🇸
NORTHERN MINNESOTA - Revitalizing Communities in the Iron Range
Border Security - Extremes Are Not the Answer
We Can Strengthen Border Security Without Resorting to Mass Deportations